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Llun o gerrig wrth ochr y dwr

Wellbeing Packages

Following a full Holistic consultation which looks at the individual’s lifestyle, diet, medical conditions, sleep pattern etc. A well-being package will be tailored to meet the individual’s needs.

Full Consultation | Breathing Work | Relaxation Techniques | Healthier Lifestyle Choices | Nutrition | Yoga Therapy | Holistic Treatments | Aftercare Advice

Care Packages

Self care packages and workshops

The self care packages include: 


  • Full Holistic Consultation

  • Journal

  • Gratitude Practice

  • Meditation

  • Aromatherapy

  • Chakra Cleansing

  • Positive Affirmations

  • Mantras

  • Relaxation Techniques

  • Yoga Therapy 1:1

  • Holistic Treatment

  • Identifying Stress

  • Tool Box

  • Aftercare


Menopause Self-Care

Self Care Packages for Women going through Menopause 


Each package is specifically tailored to suit each individual’s needs. They include a Full Holistic Consultation and Aftercare Advice as well as a combination of the following:


  • Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Massage

  • Reflexology

  • Aromatherapy

  • Chakra Cleansing

  • Reiki

  • Journalling

  • Mantras

  • Gratitude

Healing Workshop

The workshop promotes general Health & Wellbeing that can support anyone coping with;

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sleeping Pattern, Chronic Pain, Menopause, Cancer, PTSD and Trauma.


The workshop includes:


  • Healing Circle of intentions, blessings and gratitude.

  • Pranayama – Breathing practices to bring us out of the ‘fight or flight’ response, support emotional regulation and techniques for lowering stress levels.

  • Chakra Cleansing meditation to remove any stagnant energies and emotional blockages.

  • Gentle flow Yoga – A light relaxing flow to connect back into the body by focusing on alignment, strength, balance and flexibility.

  • Yoga Nidra - Guided meditation for a deep calming state.

  • Tea & Chat – Reflection and sharing



Wellness Cancer Care Package

Holistic Therapies can help with a variety of ailments, conditions and symptoms caused by cancer and its treatment. It is used by patients to improve the quality of life and to unite the mind, body and spirit.

They also helps to:


  • Reduce anxiety and depression

  • Stabilize sleep pattern

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Relieves tension and worry

  • Stimulate the lymphatic system

  • Increase circulation

  • Increase energetic levels

  • Pain management

Skilled light touch massage is beneficial at nearly every stage of the cancer experience. During hospitilation, during or after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The pre or post operative period. Recovery at home, remission or cure and also at the end of life.

Following a Holistic consultation, the package will be specially tailored for each individual and can include any of the following;


  • Aromatherapy

  • Reflexology

  • Massage

  • Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Reiki

Yoga Therapy

1 to 1

Following a full consultation that takes an in-depth look at the person through a Holistic approach physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually we can get a clear picture of the person's overall health and wellbeing. Once the information is gathered I will work with the individual to create a unique package that fits their current situation. The program will be adjusted accordingly depending on the number of sessions. The purpose of the sessions is to empower the individual to take care of themselves by learning new habits through different postures and breathing exercises that unite the body of mind and spirit together encouraging them to incorporate simple lifestyle changes through their daily practice. Guided sessions will promote the person how to raise self-awareness of their health by learning how to recognise stress and how to manage pain.

Lili Ddwr
yoga packages

(7 week programme)

Chakra Yoga Series

The focus of yoga is to energize and balance all of the seven major chakra systems. Regular Asana and Meditation practice regulates blood pressure, stimulates the nervous system, helps to achieve better sleep, and improves the ability to focus, experience less stress, and boosts the immune system, which helps to achieve optimum health and well-being.


Yoga sequences are adapted with optional variations for knee and chronic lower back pain.

(7 week programme)

12 Steps AA / Yoga Programme

Yoga = Union of the Mind/Body/Soul

AA = Unity/Service/Recovery


Both AA and Yoga can be seen as guidelines for Spiritual Journey with an ultimate goal achieving happiness, bliss or enlightenment. Like the 8-limbs, the 12 steps offer a path that encourages spiritual development.

(8 week programme)

Quiet Time – Be Still and Chill

This mindfulness programme was developed for adolescents to help them manage stress and regulate their emotions. Each session incorporates breathing techniques for relaxation and yoga postures to help them reconnect with their bodies.



Holistic Recovery (8 week programme)

Holistic Recovery is a short course offered to individuals who are quite stable in their recovery from substance misuse, alcohol or mental health illnesses who can commit to 2 hour sessions for 8 week. The course will teach the individuals to take ownership of their addiction and take control back of their health and learn to make better lifestyle choices for themselves by incorporating new skills into their daily routine. Realistic achievable goals will be set that will hopefully help them to remain abstinence and allow them to be released from services completely.

Each session includes:


  • Full Holistic Consultation

  • Cognitive/Addiction Workshop

  • Holistic Treatment

  • Aftercare Advice

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